About Alan:

Alan received a Masters in Accounting from the University of Houston, became a CPA and a Fellow in HFMA. He had a lengthy career in Healthcare Finance serving in positions such as: VP of Finance of the Healthcare Div. of HAI, VP of Finance for Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital and CFO of Adena Health System. He specialized in budgeting, strategic financial plan development, operational analysis and management reporting systems.

This would seem to be good training for his role of "watch dog" of the Federal Budget.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Mystery of the Missing Social Security Trustee Report

Laws governing the Social Security program and Trust Funds require the trustees to release a report on the status of the Trust Funds.  It’s supposed to be released by March 31st of the year following the period being reported on.  So the 2014 Trustee Report was due to be released March 31st, 2014 covering 2013.  But it wasn’t released on time.  And it wasn’t released in April or May.  And as of June 29th, it still hadn’t been released.

Why is it important for the report to be released in a timely manner?  Any changes that might be indicated could be considered during the current year’s budget cycle. 

Beginning with at least the 2005 report, the Trustees have been urging “The projected trust fund (future) deficits should be addressed in a timely manner to allow for a gradual phasing in of the necessary changes and to provide advance notice to workers.  The sooner adjustments are made the smaller and less abrupt they will have to be.”  Source: 2005 Trustee Report

But one party has been standing in the way of those meaningful reforms.  That party won’t even recognize that there is a problem, let alone work towards a solution.  With Democrat Sen. Harry Reid acting as the Majority Leader in the Senate, he issued the following claims while holding a “Hands Off Social Security” rally.

‘“Social Security has not contributed one penny to the debt or the deficit.”
“It’s in great shape for the next many decades.”
“ Let’s worry about Social Security when it’s a problem – today it’s not a problem.”’

"Reid’s remarks on MSNBC last week that he would only be open to changing Social Security in 20 years.”
Source: March 28, 2011; The Fiscal Times; article by Michelle Hirsch

The 2014 Trustee Report included some concerning information.  The Social Security Disability Trust Fund was expected to run out of funds in 2016.  All the Social Security Trust Funds were projected to run out of funds by 2033.  By themselves those are alarming, but a look back to the 2005 report showed the projection was for the trust funds to last till 2041.  So in just eight years of time, the timeframe for the trust funds to run out of money has gotten sixteen years closer.  Will that trend continue in the 2014 report?

Another source for alarming news about Social Security is the WH OMB budget projections.  In President Obama’s 2010 Budget Social Security Outlays were projected to exceed Social Security Payroll Tax Receipts by $200 billion over the ten year projections.  In the 2015 Budget the shortfall was projected to be $2 trillion.  So as the Senate Democrats hold up any meaningful reforms and as President Obama’s administration fails to put forth any recommendations, the day that Social Security will run out of funds gets much closer.

Possibly this helps explain why the Social Security Trustees haven’t issued their mandated Trustee report on the Trust Funds in what looks like an already tough election year for Congressional Democrats.  It’s reasonable to project the timeframe for the trust funds to run out of money will be even sooner than in the last report.

It’s time for us to demand the trust fund report be released.

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